Your dedicated account manager will furnish you with your personalised account details. You can conveniently transfer funds via internet banking to this designated account.

Yes, however, your account manager will provide a timeframe based on the type of contracts you are engaging in.

This is a regulatory requirement to ensure funds are not associated with illicit activities, upholding compliance standards.

Certainly, your account manager can facilitate this for you, ensuring a seamless and timely process.

Yes, but please note that funds will only be processed and released once we receive your deposit.

Contact your account manager immediately. They will guide you on the necessary steps to rectify the situation.

You will receive a confirmation email verifying the successful processing of your payment.

For third-party payments, approval from your account manager is required. Additional documentation may be requested to support such requests.

You will receive a confirmation email promptly upon the arrival of funds in your account.

We handle the currency, so you can handle the croissants 🥐

Simplify your financial transitions with Ibanista—the currency partner who understands life in France as well as you do.