Installing solar panels in your home can be a significant step towards energy efficiency and sustainability. In France, there are various schemes and aids available to assist you in making this eco-conscious decision. Let’s explore the support you can access.
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Photovoltaic self-consumption bonus
Promoting sustainable energy consumption
Photovoltaic self-consumption involves utilising the electricity generated from your solar panels for your own consumption. This not only taps into a clean and abundant energy source, but also contributes to the broader goals of energy transition.
Eligibility for investment bonus
Facilities that enable self-consumption, including those with surplus energy that can be sold back to the grid, qualify for an investment bonus. The amount of this premium varies based on the capacity of the installation and is subject to quarterly updates.
Automated payment process
If you meet the eligibility criteria EDF automatically disburses this bonus alongside your earnings from surplus energy sales.
How photovoltaic self-consumption works:
- Solar panels installation: Typically, solar panels are mounted on the roof of your residence. These panels are connected to one or more inverters, which convert the direct current generated by the panels into alternating current, compatible with the electrical grid.
- Metering and measurement: A communicating meter, like Linky meters, is employed to measure both the energy produced and injected into the grid, as well as the energy consumed within your home.
- Grid integration: The entire system is linked to the national electricity grid.
Reduced VAT rate - Financial relief for small-scale solar panels installations
Photovoltaic setups connected to the grid with a power rating of 3 kWp or less are eligible for a reduced VAT rate of 10%.
The purchase obligation
Monetising your solar energy
Under the purchase obligation system, individual solar producers can feed excess electricity into the grid and sell it to a buyer at a legally defined price. This mechanism ensures a reasonable return on your investment over the lifespan of the installation.
- You have the flexibility to sell all or part of the electricity you generate.
- Purchase prices are stipulated by law and are subject to quarterly revisions.
Accessing financial aid for solar panels
- The premium and initial purchase price are determined at the time of the grid connect request to the network manager (Enedis or other local distribution company)
- These rates become effective only after the installation is operational and the purchase agreement is signed.
- A purchase agreement is typically entered into for a 20-year period.
- To be eligible for public aid, it is mandatory to engage a certified installation company.
Taxation for electricity sales
For installations with a power rating of less than 3 kWp, you may qualify for an income tax exemption if the installation meets three conditions:
- It has a capacity of less than 3 kWp
- It is connected to the public grid at a maximum of two points
- It is not allocated to a professional activity
For installations exceeding 3 kWp, income generated from electricity sales is subject to income tax under the category of industrial and commercial profits (BIC).
Useful resources
EDF photovoltaic self-consumption bonus: Learn more about the photovoltaic self-consumption bonus and how to ensure you receive this financial incentive for generating your own electricity. Visit the website.
Linky Smart Meters: Discover the benefits of Linky smart meters, which play a crucial role in measuring and managing your solar energy consumption. Visit the website.
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