So, you’re diving into the world of micro-enterprises, a straightforward and streamlined way to kickstart your venture. But what kind of activities can you actually pursue under this regime? Let’s break it down.
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What kind of activities can be carried out?
Within the limit of a turnover threshold, the micro-enterprise regime authorises artisanal activities, certain commercial and liberal activities.
If you’re into crafting, creating, or repairing products in a unique, non-mass production manner, you’re in the artisanal game. Of course, you’ll need to show some professional chops and be officially listed in the trade directory. Plus, there are certain standards to meet.
The micro-enterprise regime requires you to respect the obligations linked to artisanal activities:
- be part of the official list of craft professions or the official list of artistic craft professions
- meet requirements relating to professional qualification,
- acquire, if the profession requires it, professional insurance if the profession requires it
- comply with general regulations and professional technical standards
Maybe your knack lies in buying and reselling movable property or merchandise, or providing services in hospitality, fast food, transport, and more. This falls under commercial activities. While you’ll need to register with the trade and companies register, you won’t be bogged down by specific diplomas or know-how requirements. It’s all about seizing opportunities and making that profit.
Commercial activities include:
- the purchase of movable property or merchandise with a view to reselling them for profit
- the sale of services in the fields of hospitality, fast food, transport, entertainment, security and even IT
- rental activities of movable property, merchandise and services
Micro-entrepreneurs are required to register with the trade and companies register, but no requirements in terms of diploma or specific know-how are imposed on you to carry out a commercial activity.
As a micro-entrepreneur, you can carry out an activity as a service provider. You must have a diploma or professional qualification in the field of your activity.
All unregulated liberal activities are authorised:
- consultant
- IT and digital professions
- consulting professions
- professional coach
- public writer
- trainer
- translator
Just note, regulated liberal activities are a no-go.
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What activities are excluded from the micro-enterprise regime?
Certain activities are excluded from the micro-enterprise regime.
Agricultural activities
If you’re in the realm of agricultural activities, focusing on animal or plant cycles or their extensions, the micro-enterprise route won’t fit the bill. Activities like farm tourism or biogas production are best explored through different channels.
Regulated liberal activities
Remember those regulated liberal activities? They’re not part of the micro-enterprise gig. You’ll need to explore different options for those.
Artist and authors: Artists and authors with royalties as their form of payment might not find the micro-enterprise path as appealing. This regime is better suited for fee-based earnings.
Real estate activities: Activities tied to real estate VAT or rental of certain properties don’t quite align with micro-enterprises. There are other avenues for property management, though.
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Can you mix these within a micro-enterprise?
While you can’t own multiple micro-enterprises, you can play the mixed activity game. This means taking on various ventures within the same enterprise. Just be sure to outline your primary and secondary activities in your enterprise’s statutes.
Useful resources
BPI France: BPI France offers a detailed guide (in French) on the micro-entrepreneur status, including eligible activities and exclusions. Visit the website here.
Chambre des métiers et de l’Artisanat (Chamber of Trades and Crafts): For those involved in craft activities, this directory helps you locate and get in touch with the relevant Chamber of Trades and Crafts in your region.
Visit the website here.
INSEE (National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies): This directory allows you to search for specific business activities, helping you determine if your venture is eligible under the micro-enterprise regime. Visit the website here.